Although the population of Portugal is just over 10 million people, this country attracts both curious tourists and European and American bachelors, who are impressed by local women’s lure. By the way, Portuguese women can rightly be called a kind of sightseeing. Anyway, they certainly have unique coloring.

Portuguese women

Main Facts About Portugal to Understand Portuguese Women

To discover the wealthy souls of Portuguese women, you have to learn the Portuguese spirit and the key facts about this wonderful country. Here we have collected for you some facts about Portugal:

Portugal Is a Friendly Country

In the cities of Portugal, everyone knows each other. Once or twice you visit a local restaurant, its owner will recognize you and take you as a friend. People can easily tell you about their life and health after getting to know each other.

Locals Value Their Culture and Are Proud of Their Famous Fellow Citizens

Many people think that Portuguese is a dialect of Spanish. Saying this thing to locals may insult them so much. The Portuguese are passionate about their language and literature.

Collectives Are Close-Knit

Portuguese tend to form tight-knit groups. If a foreigner is accepted in one of them, he/she should be more careful when choosing new friends. If he/she suddenly invites someone who isn’t welcome in his/her company, the group is likely to break off relations with him/her.

Tardiness Is One of the Most Striking Portuguese Traits

The Portuguese are hasteless and respectful of leisure, so it's best not to plan anything with them between noon and 3 pm. Some businesses close during this time. Most locals are dreamy and relaxed, so they prefer to spend their vacations at home and not in search of adventure.

Courtship Is Different from Our Usual Approach

Compliments in Portugal are simple. It’s common to tell a woman you like that she has such a beautiful body that you want to steal it. It’s not an insult or a dirty hint, just a Portuguese compliment.

Women of Portugal: Peculiar Features and Character

The farther away a country is from us, the more myths we hear about it. Portugal doesn’t tantalize the same crowds of noisy tourists as neighboring Spain, so we know little about its women. The scant bits of truth have long been mixed with handfuls of speculation, stereotypes, and legends.

Portuguese Are Self-Confident

Modern-day women love themselves and know their own worth. Don’t confuse healthy selfishness with the arrogance that makes a Portuguese girl look down on everyone. Portuguese women know how to put up with their shortcomings. 

Know How to Enjoy Life

Portuguese women are melancholic by nature, but they know how to live as fully as possible. They are reserved and behave modestly in public as well. Portuguese women behave very differently when they are with family or close friends. Here one can joke, laugh or expressively tell a funny story.

Cute Looks

Nature has given the Portuguese good, tight skin and strong, shiny, and wavy hair. The concept of grooming includes hand cream in the cold season, sun protection in summer, and hygienic lipstick in summer and winter. Perfume and bright lipstick are used for special occasions. Young girls are bright, with a full head of hair. As a rule, they carelessly throw it back, and it turns out lush, careless, and natural.

Key Character Features

Most Portuguese are distinguished by 3 striking qualities: sensitivity, romanticism, and sadness. Women can be timid at first, but if you're engaged in dating a Portuguese girl, and you let them know that the feelings are mutual, they will express their sympathy clearly.

Portuguese girl

What do Portuguese Girls Value in Relationships?

Ask a lady who her ideal man is, and she'll easily describe her perfect one from his eyes color to how many letters in his name are. Of course, all preferences are individual, but as practice shows, women appreciate a number of qualities the most.

Care and Attention

A girl will always appreciate it if you treat her with sensitivity and care. Sincere care is manifested in the daily actions: ask if she slept well, what manicure she did, what plans she’s having, etc. Just unobtrusively show such attention to the daily little things.


Portuguese brides value a high level of intelligence as a quality that will help them build a prosperous marriage. A successful marriage refers to material prosperity that helps successfully raise their offspring. An intelligent man gives a sense of security.


Let's add this quality to the portrait of the ideal man. In her dreams, he always takes the first step, is not afraid to stand up for her in a difficult moment, even if she is wrong.

Appearance Matters When You Deal With Portuguese Dating

As much as we don't want it, we make our first impression judging our interlocutor’s appearance. Straight posture, nice perfume, clean clothes are an indicator of a confident man.

Financial Stability

Yes, money plays a role. A woman wants to be confident in the future. If a man is able to earn, he looks stronger than other male competitors. A woman can make good money on her own, but the one who knows how to get the money will always be the priority.

Portuguese Dating Culture: How to Make Your Relationships Work

As a rule, young people in Portugal aren't eager to start a family quickly. Although divorce is common, everyone wants to find his/her only one. This is why people get married in their early 30's, after dating for several years and checking their feelings.

The Portuguese are discreet in their feelings, so you won't hear loud declarations of love in public. Portuguese talked about the most intimate things in private after thinking every word carefully as they don't make empty promises.

Even after marriage, the young couple will not rush to have kids. Their priority will be their career and time to live for themselves and to travel. Also, childcare here is costly. You will give half of your salary to the child care center, so more than one child can be afforded only by wealthy people.

How to Impress a Portuguese Girl

Girls are fond of emotions. Many of the men don’t even realize what role emotions play in their lives. Women are like that by nature. They get a lot more information from feelings than from words. If you want to impress a girl in Portugal, pay attention to the following simple tips.


Once you know more about the girl, you can give her a beautiful compliment. The whole point of a fair word should be one thing — to surprise a girl. Avoid using standard phrases and trite confessions. A compliment should be truthful.

Romantic Gift

A great number of impressions you will give a girl if you show yourself as a romantic. It can be a beautiful poem written by you, a song you can sing with a guitar, or something like that.

Positive Thinking

A smile on your face and showing positivity throughout are a must-have. The easiest way to evoke emotion is to make a joke. Laughter should be your weapon on the first date.


Forget all the templates and showing yourself as the alpha male. That doesn't work. Always behave with ladies the way you do when you're alone. It may take some time, but it's worth it. In being natural, individuality always reveals itself!

dating a Portuguese girl

Important and Practical Tips on Dating in Portugal

Don’t be so quick to relax once you have conquered the girl you like. You have to know how to build the right relationships, too.

Do Something Nice for Her

Nice things don’t always mean buying her something. Keep her in mind during the day and think of ways to cheer her up and take her mind off her worries.

Love and Take Care of Yourself

Before building a deep relationship with your girlfriend, you need to make sure you take care of yourself. Get enough sleep, eat right and make time for yourself.

Be Honest to Gain Her Trust 

Don't make promises that you know won't happen or are unlikely to work out. Unfulfilled promises can do a lot of damage to a relationship. More serious transgressions, such as infidelity, can end a relationship, while other things, such as an innocent lie, can introduce a lot of tension. 

Be Ready to Compromise

Being hardheaded while dating Portuguese girls can jeopardize happiness in a relationship. Instead of standing your ground, be willing to listen to your beloved one. Think about what she's asking you to do and what impact — negative or positive — it will have on your life. 

Provide Emotional Support She Needs

Your woman will likely need more emotional support than usual in a difficult situation. If she needs help or support, by all means, be there for her. Instead of getting angry at her and making the problem worse, make sure you are supportive and understanding.

If you are looking for a country to have an affair with local representatives of the fair sex, then hurry to the Portugal visa center. That will be your ticket to a paradise full of beautiful women who know how to combine attractiveness, naturalness, self-confidence, and sensuality, as well as the desire to create a strong family with a reliable Wester man.